Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A Brief Thought on Mindfulness and why it can go straight to hell.

Sitting at home, watching Baz play with a sock, and wondering how the hours of the day just fritter away...
Why the fuck is mindfulness en vogue of all sudden?

It's as if on top of everything else we're supposed to be doing, we're now also supposed to be "living inside the moment", "relishing the fleetingness of time", "appreciating our here and now".

Does anybody else suck at this?

I mean, sometimes I'm not too bad.
I watch the sunrise or feel the softest little breeze, or actually slow down when I'm housing ice cream and let the sweetness melt on my tongue for a moment, and yes, I've got it, I feel good, it's lovely, and I am happy to be alive, to have a corporeal form that allows me such things as physical pleasure.
But there are other times that we shouldn't be mindful.
We deserve to get swept up.
Like kissing.
Am I the only person who has ever just ruined a make out session by suddenly getting stuck in her head?
Instead of being all, "oooh this is so nice and lovely and tingly and might be headed towards more nice lovely tingly things..." I got stuck in my head, and thought, "Oh this is a mouth, this is a squishpit full of round, polished bone things that I have to avoid lest I suddenly forget everything I ever knew about kissing and accidentally become a dentist who diagnoses with her tongue" or "why do we do this? I think I read somewhere that kissing originated during pagan marriage rituals where the two newlyweds placed their mouths on top of one another's to symbolize giving one's beloved the breath of life. If this is true, then isn't making out some form of pointless struggle? Am I currently fighting with this person attempting to breathe them full of my air as they strive to fill me with theirs? Or are we literally sucking the breath out of each other?" or (and this is a favorite) "huh...mouths are weird. My mouth is inside a mouth right now. Oh fuck...I'm supposed to be swept up in this. Come on Jess, get all jiggly in the knees again, think about how nice a face this person has, how delicious their skin is next to yours, and how magical the gift is-is a mouth a mushy mouth mouth mouth, flesh, gums, esophagus, stomach, intestines, this mouth leads to poooooooooop! AAAAAAAAAH STOP THINKING ABOUT POOP AND GET BACK TO THE NICE KISSY FEELINGS WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY BRAINNNNNNN?!?!?"

so mindfulness isn't always the best practice.
It's great if you rush through life and then don't understand why you didn't enjoy more of it, but I sit here, and I watch a baby playing with a sock, and I think, maybe it's a bad idea to tumble down the rabbit hole of thinking how much I love this baby, how precious he is, how soon I will be packing him off to college where he will disregard his socks all over a dorm room floor, and then I will die, and he will die, and dead mouths don't maul socks.

Maybe it's better that I just take the sock away, and play with him instead.

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