Friday, May 27, 2016

Carpe Omnia

On my way into the kitchen this morning to refill my coffee mug, I took the last sweet slug of the dark stuff and paused. 
apparently I like to roll liquids around in my mouth like a wine taster sometimes. I did not know this about myself. Like when I was eight years old and I realized I could make a chocolate chip cookie last a half hour if I sucked each bite until it turned to mush and crumbled in my mouth, i like to savor things...prolong the magic as it were. 
of course having a five and a half month old baby makes this credo even more important because everything is different every day, and the baby you went to sleep with last night is not often the same baby you wake up to in the morning. that's how fast it is. this morning, after a series of dreams in which I successfully used a semi colon to the applause of my graduating masters class (I can't make this shit up, but apparently my subconscious can), the babe woke me at the gorgeous bird chirpy, sunshine glimmering hour of five thirty. 
I fought the inevitable, and then I made coffee, like we do. 
and three hours later, after many nukes, and many setting downs, and many chasings, feedings, etc, I went into the kitchen for my oh so necessary refill. 
With that split second roll of luscious, sweet coffee from one cheek to another over the landscape of my tongue, the baby flailed (his favorite motion du jour) and punched me right in the coffee pocket (face), forcing me to forcibly eject the contents of said cheek through my pursed lips and across the kitchen. 
yes ladies and gentlemen, I experienced my first fully involuntary spit take.
I had to take a moment and admire it really.
the radius of coffee sprayed from the front of my shirt and across the linoleum petering out after speckling the confused dog with a small decorative mask of fine brown beads. 
This people. 
This is why i wear black. 

so welcome. 
This is my new blog. 
it's going to be where I put down my thoughts about being a new mother, a writer, a human, and a person who like to taste things. perhaps a little too much. 

a brief detour:
one of the reasons i have never held with taking medication for my depression, or anxiety, or any other damn thing, is because i believe the highs and lows of life are what make it worth living. i believe the illustrious jason lee has a soliloquy regarding this topic in the classic tom cruise oeuvre "vanilla sky". 
can't have sweet without bitter or something.
so i take it all. 
the crying jags in the bathroom in the middle of the afternoon because the baby just tore out another handful of neck hair, the hysterical laughing over a third outfit change from a magnificent arc of piss that somehow circumnavigates the diaper to impressively soak any nearby surface, and the involuntary spit takes in the morning. 
I take those alongside the single dimple that only comes out when the babesauce is feeling impish, the incredible comfort of my husband (hereafter referred to as either herrband or beard)  putting his arms around me after a hard day and saying, "You're doing great. you really are.", the friends, the family, the baby, the ocean, the lilacs near the open window, and yes, the really big bites of cookie that I take with pleasure. 

Mangez-tout means eat it all. 
in culinary circles it refers to snap peas, the treaty little veggie whose pod you eat and the little sweet peas within.
I decided to name this blog Mann-gez tout because that's me. eating it all, rolling every mouthful across my tongue, tasting the bitter and the sweet, and relishing it because that's life. 

okay enough of that. 
i need another cup of coffee. 


  1. Eat it all. I like that.
    Like you, I have balked at taking meds for the past 13 years, even though *I* have brought me to the edge a few times.
    Looking forward to reading this. <3's forever.

  2. One time in a bath, my son peed and he hit himself in the face. And I still remember thinking, "How do YOU like it."

    I'm gonna like this blog.
